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Title: Variability of the Respiration/ETS ratios in marine plankton: current understanding and knowledge gaps
Supervisor: Dr Natalia Osma
Title: Estimating respiration using BGC-Argo data
Supervisor: Dr Giorgio Dall'Olmo
Objective: To analyse data from existing BGC-Argo observations to derive estimates of respiration in different ocean regions
Skills needed (or to be developed): familiarity with a programming language (e.g., Python), understanding of the BGC-Argo data system and of ocean respiration.
Expected duration: 3-6 months depending on the applicant's availability.
Title: Regional variability in mesopelagic respiration: an approach through ETS activity
Supervisor: Prof Javier Arístegui

Stephanie Henson (October 2024)
PARTITRICS: PARTIcle Transformation and Respiration Influence on ocean Carbon Storage
Jamie Wilson (November 2023)
A benchmark assessment of the Biological Carbon Pump
Sara Ferrón (October 2023)
On determining metabolic rates in the oligotrophic ocean
Giorgio Dall'Olmo (April 2023)
Mesopelagic respiration from BGC-Argo data
Haimanti Biswas (March 2023)
Functioning of the biological carbon pump in the central Arabian Sea
Haichao Guo & Iris Kriest (February 2023)
Can OUR be used to track the long-term changes of aerobic respiration in the mesopelagic?
Olivier Sulpis (December 2022)
Respiration in the Ocean Interior based on TOU, DOC and POC
Matthieu Bressac (November 2022)
Mesopelagic remineralization by particle-attached microbes: processes and impacts
Xose Antón Álvarez-Salgado (October 2022)
Biogeochemical approaches to ocean respiration
Bin Wang & Katja Fennel (September 2022)
Significant contribution of small particles to the carbon flux in the subpolar North Atlantic
Morten Iversen (August 2022)
Role of particles in the biological carbon pump
Javier Arístegui (July 2022)
Estimating dark-ocean respiration through ETS activity
Gerhard Herndl (April 2022)
Impact of hydrostatic pressure on organic carbon cycling of the deep-sea microbiome
Iris Kriest (February 2022)
A global modeller's view of remineralization of particulate organic matter
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